I felt pretty good for a few miles and took it easy for a mile or so. Don't want to kill my recovery process....finally taking deep breaths without pain! :)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Back in the saddle!
I felt pretty good for a few miles and took it easy for a mile or so. Don't want to kill my recovery process....finally taking deep breaths without pain! :)
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Injury rundown
Who knew tubing would take a month off of my running/workout schedule?? Ugh!
I spent 4th of July weekend at my friend's lakehouse in Canandaigua, which was an absolute blast! We went tubing and I flew from the tube once....so, clearly I had to redeem myself and got on again. The second time I held on for dear life, but after a few hard hitting waves and some quick turns by Terry, I once again flew from the tube. Unfortunately, this time hitting the water felt like hitting a rock! I felt my entire rib cage crush and then my body went into shock. My lifejacket was my savior that day! I floated for a minute b/c I couldn't move right away, and then they pulled me back into the boat. I was sore for the rest of the day, and was just hoping I didn't do any serious damage!
Over the next few days, I was REALLY sore and was having a hard time moving around, breathing, laughing, coughing, and pretty much anything that required my rib's. In fact, one sneeze brought me to tears! With Boilermaker only a few days away, I decided to visit my doctor (who is also a runner) and have her take a look. Initially she thought I cracked a few ribs...SERIOUSLY?!?! After x-rays she called me and said no cracks massive bruising. Cool, I can still run Boilermaker and go from there. Little did I know, this injury takes forever to heal!!!! I'm still feeling some soreness and it's been a month since it happened. At least now I can take deep breaths and run and get back into the gym. In fact, this is my first week back at the gym in a month. Hopefully this is the end of it!
# 2 Injury
Foot/Calf Cramps!!! I've talked about this a few times and have learned that I never really recovered from when I first had Plantar Fasciitis. While the pain decreased, it never really went away. I've just been running through it, but recently, I can't get up over 9 miles without the massive foot/arch cramps that ultimately make it difficult to continue running. I'm also waking up with the heel pain and end up hobbling around for a while until it loosens up. So, in order to continue running and get through this the right way, I'm increasing my stretching exercises, adding Yoga to my training, and working to strengthen my feet, ankles, and calves. In a little over a month I'll run the Rochester half and will hopefully see a difference in the cramping and pain!
I have 3 months to Marine Corps and with a lot of focus and hard work, I should be able to get myself into acceptable marathon condition!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Updates to come
Friday, June 3, 2011
Unintended Running Break....
Prior to my softball game, I had a great 4 mile run with Sara, so I thought my body was starting to get back into running mode.....clearly, that wasn't the case. My plan was to run Temple Beth El this coming Sunday, but I'm thinking I will go and cheer my fellow runners. The next race is supposed to be the Fast & Furriest 10k, but I will have to see where I'm at and possibly will have to switch to the 5k. Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With Boilermaker coming up on July 10th, I can't afford anymore ridiculous, accident prone, clumsy, injuries!!
Happy Running!!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Anyway, I didn't end up running Johnny's Running of the Green! First time I haven't run that one in years....just wasn't feeling it that morning. Oh well, on to the next run.
After a few training runs, I ran the Flower City Half Marathon on May 1. I was nervous b/c I hadn't really trained for it and wasn't sure I should have been running it. I had been in the gym alot working core and weights, but not really running. Fortunately, I had an awesome run right up until about 8/9 miles. I was actually running at a pace that kept me in front of the 2:30 finish pace group! That is crazy for me considering my best finish was 2:37. Unfortunately, my lack of training came through at that point and I struggled with the last few miles. My foot cramp started up again and I had to keep stopping and stretching it every half mile or so. Then, just before the 12 mile marker (I could see it up ahead, I was that close!) my foot cramp was so bad that it collapsed my Achilles and lower calf and I couldn't get my foot or leg straight again. Not good! And all of this with only a mile left. I had actually been on track to have my best finish time ever. Booooo!! Luckily, a very nice runner stopped, laid me down, and stretched my calf to work out the knot. I checked my Garmin later and it noted that I was on the ground for 7 min. Sucks with 1 mile left!! At least I was able to finish and I still beat last years finish time for this run. Not too shabby.
The week after the half, I decided to run a 5k with a friend from the gym. It was her first 5k and she really wanted me to do it with her. I haven't run a 5k in ages!! It was great, I felt alright through most of it. I had the massage people work on my leg before and after the run, and that definitely helped, but it was still bugging me. I ended up having my best ever 5K finish time at this run, so that was exciting! I think I'm going to add a few more 5k's in this year, I'd like to keep getting faster.
Overall, it's been a good start to my 2011 running. Next up will be Temple Beth El 5K on June 5th. I haven't done this one in a few years so it will be fun to get out there again. Also, getting ready for Boilermaker in July, that is sneaking up really quickly!
Happy Running!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Super Excited!!
We've spent the past few days creating training schedules because we also have a half marathon in 9 weeks! Yikes! Better get moving!
Now if only the snow gods would stop raining down on us......
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
MCM 2011.....
Let the training begin! :)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Tofu Fried Rice (w/Brown Rice)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Decision Made!!
My brother lives in northern Virginia and just bought a house, so I could turn the trip into a visit and a marathon! I'm glad the decision is made....now I just wait for the Feb. 23 registration date.
On another note, I registered for Flower City Half Marathon and Boilermaker last week, so I have 2 definites on my running schedule.....better get training, May 1 will come fast!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Which Marathon to choose.....Oh my!
I am also interested in Marine Corps Marathon and that registration opens Feb. 23, 2011.
A decision will be made soon!! Which one will it be????
I booked a hotel in Chicago, just to make sure I'm covered if that's the one I choose.
Should I book one in D.C. as well......just in case???
Oh decisions decision decisions!
Monday, January 10, 2011
My toes!!!!!
So, just wanted to check in now that I'm starting to think about my 2011 running schedule........and, vent about my toenails still being bruised from the marathon!! Seriously??

On to 2011! Yay! This will be a great year, it HAS to be a great year!
My 2011 running schedule is just starting to come together and I'm about to register for my first run this week. It's been a rough 2 months and I've not been very active and kind of put on a bunch of weight. So, I have ALOT of work to do before my first run.
March will mark my first run of 2011 with the St. Patrick's day 5 mile run. I'll follow that up with the Flower City Half Marathon on May 1st, and I'm contemplating adding a very challenging 15K in early April. I've chickened out of that run for the past few years and I really think I need to do it this year! No fear this year!
Also, registration just opened for Boilermaker 2011 in July and I'll be registering this week. Our hotel has been booked since this summer, so that one is ready to go! I'd love to do the Lake Placid half, but not sure if I will add that one in this year. And, thinking about what marathon I want to run in the fall! :) Yep, I'm ready to do it again and do it much better. Thinking of Chicago, but also might put my name in the lottery for NYC again b/c my friend Diane is also in the lottery this year. Fingers crossed that we could both get in!
That's it for now. Starting the Gold's Gym Body Transformation Challenge 2011 next week and I can't wait!
Happy Running!