This will be short because it's been nearly 11 months since MCM 2011, but I want to get a few things out there.
MCM weekend was awesome!! Especially being able to experience it with 2 awesome running ladies, Diane & Patti! We left early friday morning, drove 7 hours and arrived at our hotel in Alexandria, Va. We quickly checked in and zipped off to the expo to see what fun running gear we could find! We all picked up some sneaker jewels from BeeCause Charms, along with our race bibs and packets. Dinner was fantastic at a downtown D.C. restaurant and then we headed back to the hotel to get that 'best night of sleep'!
We were all up bright and early sunday morning and nervous as hell!! We got suited up, boarded the hotel shuttle, and headed to the bus taking us to the start village. It was FREEZING!!! High 20's at best.....we had so many layers on at this point!
The gun went off and we were off and running. Diane started in a different coral, so it was just Patti and I at this point. We started off with the 5:30 finish group, not realizing they had planned a run/walk for the marathon. That wasn't how either of us trained, so we left the group and went off on our own. After about 3 miles, Patti and I split and wished each other a great run!!

The big goal was to 'Beat the Bridge' at 20 miles. Once I got to the bridge, I knew 2 things. 1. I would make it to the finish and not be removed from the course, and, 2. I only had 6.2 miles left!! Unfortunately, they were the longest and most challenging 6.2 miles of my life. I gave myself a significant walk break as I crossed the bridge and then tried to run a bit when I got into Crystal City.
At this point, I made 2 fatal errors. First, the food station around 21 miles was Dunkin Donuts....and they were giving out munchkins. Seriously, I thoughts donuts would be awesome running carbs! But alas....after running 21 miles, a munchkin is a horrifically bad idea. Probably would have been better followed by a beverage, but it wasn't and so I was choking on the dryness of the donut and looking for anything that would quench my parched self! Second fatal error.....the first beverage I found was beer. Yep, I said it. Beer. There was a table of people with a keg around mile 22 and they were giving out shots of beer. Rock on!! So of course, I took some beer. I figured what the hell....I was in excrutiating pain....parched from the damned donut and 4 miles from the finish. Another bad idea.....hahahaha! I just didn't care anymore!! I wanted it to be over.
At mile 23 I had enough. I physically couldn't make my body run another step. 3.2 miles to go. Ugh.....I made the tough decision to speed walk the final 3 miles. I just couldn't take another running step. I wasn't the only one....I made some new friends as we all shuffled our way to the most welcoming sight....the finish line. As we approached the final hill (the finish is straight uphill to the Marine Corps Monument in Arlington) I found the strength to run to the finish. The hill is lined with Marine's cheering you on and pushing you to finish strong....how could I not run with that kind of motivation!?!? I made it up that final hill and there it was, the finish. What an amazing sight....I started to feel the pain wash away as I crossed under the arch and walked toward the Marine's who were ready to place the medal around my neck. Now I really wanted to cry. What a trying day. What a challenging run.

We headed for the beer tent and met some awesome finishers, shared some beers, and then found our way back to the hotel. Along the way, we also met a flight crew and had some super fun witch finger cookies! :) People are so much fun....and I'm pretty sure they thought we were crazy in our post marathon delerium! Once we were showered and rested, we headed out to a little Irish pub in Old Alexandria were we tried not to fall asleep in our food and replenish our bodies. We continued to relive the day and plan for our departure Monday morning.

Congrats to Diane & Patti on completing your first marathon....I'm so glad I was able to be there with you.