My 5th half is in the books and it wasn't too bad! With my last half being one of the worst running experiences of my life, I was a bit concerned about doing this one. However, it turned out to be a pretty good experience. It was most certainly a great gauge for what I need to do in the next 8 weeks to finish prep for NYC!
I got up around 5 this morning and immediatly wasn't thrilled because it was POURING rain. I have a skylight in my kitchen and I could just hear it pouring down. Ugh! I took the dog out, got soaked, and started praying it would pass before the 7:45 start time! I hopped in the shower (I always need the wakeup shower!) and then got into my running gear. My friend Diane sent me a text about the rain and after checking the weather channel and watching the local news, I assured her the rain would pass by 8ish. Again, praying the weather people were right for once in their lives!! :)
Thankfully the rain turned to a light mist as I drove into Rochester to meet my friends Diane and Renee. It was actually pretty perfect for running, 50/60 and misting. We headed over to Frontier Field to pick up our chips and then walk to the start line. We actually used the drop bags today b/c it was so chilly at the start that we wanted to wear our jackets and layers as long as possible! All was going well, still light misting, and I was feeling pretty darn good!

The start gun sounded and we were off! Diane went ahead (she's a bit faster) and Renee and I stuck together until we were 3 miles into the run. She was having some hip problems, so I went ahead when she took a walk break. I was still feeling good as we headed to the long drawn out Highland hill and I made it up and over without issue. Sweet! At that point I decided I would allow myself a walk break at the Clinton/Westfall hill.....but low and behold, I made it up and over with no problems! Double sweet! I turned onto Westfall and made my way to Brighton town park to connect with the Erie Canal path. We passed the 7 mile mark headed toward the path and I used my GU b/c I started to feel hunger pains and didn't want to keep running on a total empty tank. I started taking water/gatorade around mile 5, so I was still replenishing the lost fluids.
I kept it moving on the canal path, still feeling pretty good. Once the GU set in, my legs felt better and I kept up my pace. All was going well until I hit 11 miles. Out of nowhere I had a massive foot cramp that curled my toes and made my lower calf/ankle spasm repeatedly. Awesome!! The first cramp nearly made me wipe out on the course! It took my leg right out from under me! I kept running and every few steps I would get another cramp and which I started swearing! I'm sure the people around me were thrilled! Understandably, I was pissed! So close to the finish and now this after a seemingly good run! Ugh!!!
So, I kept it moving and just worked on keeping my toes firmly in position and taking long strides to keep the calf stretched. It was the best I could do and yet, the cramp kept coming
back. When I exited the canal path and headed over the Ford St. bridge (picture is me on Ford St. bridge), I stopped and stretched on a bridge pillar. That seemed to help for a bit, but once I got to the other side of the bridge, rounded the corner and started down Exchange St, I was hit with another cramp. I chose to walk the hill on Plymouth because the extra use of my calf caused more severe cramping. I knew that once I got over that hill, it was all downhill or flat to the finish. I started running again, and ran the rest of the way to the finish line. I was so close, I just wanted to finish and get my leg worked on, so I pushed through and gimped it when it started cramping.

I rounded the final turn onto Morrie Silver Way and headed for the finishline which was just a few hundred yards away. The crowds were fantastic, but I didn't have my usual finishing smile today. I was struggling so much to just get there, some friends told me they could see the pain on my face. Sad...I love finishing with a smile! I crossed and my friend Nancy was a volunteer and put my medal on....and then helped me to the medical staff. I made my way over with some help, got a banana, chocolate milk, and some water and began my recovery. I ended up laying on a massage table and had this women do an amazing job releasing my foot and calf muscle on my right leg! When I got off the table, I felt like I had a new leg! She was brilliant.
All in all, it was a great day to run in Rochester! I had a fabulous time aside from the cramp, and shared it with good friends! And, it gave me confidence that I will be OK in NYC!! That's really what I was looking for in this run! 16 next weekend! Yikes!

Happy Running!
Awesome job on the half-marathon! I'm really sorry about the calf and foot cramps. Hopefully, they won't return!
Nice job on the half. Too bad your foot and leg cramped up so much. More electrolytes/salt?
I used to work for Frontier Communications and Frontier Field (it is named for them) in Rochester brought that back.
That's funny! I used to work for Frontier Comm way back when!
And yes, I need to reevaluate my electrolytes/salt. I had calf cramping at the last half marathon as well....maybe more calf exercises too? I'll be retooling over the next few weeks!
Congrats on finishing the 1/2 marathon, mel! That's pretty freakin' impressive!
So interesting. I worked there from about 1995-2000. I worked in Burnsville, MN but made a few trips out to Rochester.
Good race report, the pictures are great and look like that the race is tough. Thanks for sharing us detailed report race report like this.
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