Sunday, July 27, 2008

TNT Training Run....10 miles @ 6am!

So yesterday morning (at 6am) was our first double digit training run and it wasn't that bad! I am shocked because I was pretty nervous getting ready for it, but really, it wasn't that bad. I ran with my friend Patty who is a Team in Training member, however, she is running the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco the week before my marathon. We train together because we run at the same pace and it works for us. I just wish we were doing the same marathon! I think what really got us through that 10 miles was our constant conversation, a conversation that did not include running! We talked about everything that came up, except running. Pretty funny actually! We finished our training run in about 2 hours, so we were really taking it easy. After some light stretching and conversation back at the parking lot, we went on our way until next time.

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