Friday, April 9, 2010

Make Over....

OK, so I'm going for a new look and a fresh start as I haven't been as diligent as I would have liked at updating my blog. Of course, I haven't had much to update because just about everything I do is related to work these days.

So, let me know what you think of the new layout. I wanted something that seemed more alive, and for me, nothing is more alive that nature. I may also be moving my whole site b/c I don't feel my web address is truly accurate anymore. I'm thinking I might actually be a runner now! It seems weird to say that, or type it, I feel a little phony. I mean, let's be real....I'm pretty slow! However, I came across some quotes the other day and they put some wind in my sail's and helped me view myself in a different way. So, I leave you with this:

"All runners are equal, some are just faster than others."

"No matter how slow you run, it is still faster than someone sitting on a couch."

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